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Tots Carlos rises up to the challenge in Creamline's AFC conquest

The world of sports is often unpredictable, and athletes are regularly called upon to adapt to new situations and challenges. In the world of volleyball, one player who recently demonstrated this ability is Tots Carlos, who played a pivotal role in leading Creamline to victory in the 2023 Premier Volleyball League All-Filipino Conference.


Carlos, a natural opposite hitter, was forced to step up when Alyssa Valdez, Creamline's star player, was injured. Embracing the opportunity to play in a new position, Carlos thrived and earned her third Most Valuable Player award in almost two years. Furthermore, the 24-year-old native of Pampanga was named one of the Best Outside Spikers of the tournament, a testament to her exceptional performance.


In the finals against Petro Gazz, Carlos demonstrated her value to the team, powering the Cool Smashers' comeback and ultimately helping them secure their second consecutive All-Filipino crown. Her contributions did not go unnoticed, as she was named MVP of the finals.


Carlos credits head coach Sherwin Meneses' trust in her as a key factor in her success. After playing backup to import Yeliz Basa in the Reinforced Conference, Carlos says that Meneses' belief in her ability to play the outside spiker position played a crucial role in her bounceback conference.


"Actually, I couldn't believe it, so I was really speechless earlier," Carlos said after Creamline's win over the Angels in Game Three of the PVL finals. "Well, I think it's really just the coach's trust in me to change my position, that's a big thing for me, because it's a big factor that the coach knows I can play that position and that game."


Despite being named MVP, Carlos remains humble and acknowledges the contributions of her teammates. She recognizes that without their help, she could not have achieved the success she did.


"The MVP, like what I always say, we're not really focused on individual awards. We always have a team goal. I'm just really grateful that the support of my teammates never wavered. Because if not for the people around me, I wouldn't have gotten the award," said Carlos, also a three-time Best Opposite Spiker awardee.


Carlos' success in the All-Filipino Conference is a testament to her resilience and adaptability as an athlete. Her ability to step up when her team needed her most and excel in a new position highlights her value to the team and the sport. As she looks ahead to future seasons, there is no doubt that Tots Carlos will continue to be a force to be reckoned with on the volleyball court.

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